Saturday, November 27, 2010

More Funny Classic Shit.

If this doesn't make you smile..something wrong with ya.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

My Confession

So I started writing for a stress relief. My therapy...In the beginning, I told a few friends to check it out to see if there were any others... Honestly, I am sick & tired of the same ol' BS that we subconsciously flood our brains with..I then realized the void of positive information that related to us. I now vow to only post stories that make you think, make you reminisce, make you laugh or make you smile..As I search I find that good positive news is truly hard to find but I refuse to fall into the category of the others. I am trying to post everyday (i stress the word TRYING) and think I am getting better (work with me now! ;) ) I know my shit ain't as advanced, no 3D over here just simple words (and a few cuss words I gotta be me!) that I hope inspire you one way or another. Leave a comment or two...Get your word VOMIT out too.

Remember Blubber love you xoxo.

PS if you have personal question LOL address them on FB with a Face. I swear its hard to be positive but that's ALL thats gonna be on here..Ya'll actually make me laugh.... that "The Miserable" want me apart of their crew. But I REFUSE. No can DO.

Can It Be That It Was All So Simple Then?

In this technology driven world it's the little things I desperately miss...Does talking exist anymore?! I got friends that literally have a relationship based on texting! I am almost convinced that high school relationships (if you were in high school before 1999) were more intimate than they are now..I will explain:

  • In school you spent hours talking and getting to really know the people around you. I can still hear my mama picking up the phone cussing me out "do you know what time it is?! Get your ass off this phone right now!" Texting was maybe 3 words on your beeper! (304, cant remember the one for i love u LOL)
  • You knew the person's background, probably their family, their ex's
  • You went on dates the movies the mall the park just to enjoy each other
  • You snuck out (if you were naughty like me) just to be close to the person
  • You were satisfied by just them (their popularity might have been a factor but not really) not if they paid bills, bought you things it was just them. it was new, fresh and was a simple love.

Remember when you got the new Jordans and couldn't wait to get to school or the first day of school and couldn't get to sleep excited about the possiblities?
Remember when you got their phone number and was satisfied for the week damn near the month with a big ol' grin?
Remember when you were excited when they passed you a note?
Remember that FEELING??? That FEELING is what I miss the most. Bring it back!!!!

I even miss reading my year book with the infamous:
Pimpin Long
Pimpin Strong
So Long (Baby if they cared Bitch if they was funny) I'm gone! LOL

Why does this have to be a stroll down memory lane. Why do we replace real intimacy for the frivolous shit? (I am guilt as charged too) I am ready to say enough with that shit! Let us get back to the basics. I vow to try... can you?

Friday, November 12, 2010

Can I Get An Amen?

So of course lately in the news we are seeing religious figures in the headlines not because of their good deeds but because they've been on there knees..literally. Even though they are leaders and men of the robe we must remember they are human. Do NOT follow these men follow the word..Let's also get a few things in perspective:

Church should never be a celebrity who's who (If it is I suggest you gets to steppin...don't walk run)

Money and God almost is like mixing oil with just don't mix

If your preacher only has "spiritual sons" you need to skate on skate on... What us girls don't need guidance? Shouldn't you have a big group instead of select individuals??

If your preacher stresses prosperity more than the good of the people and rubs it in your face over and over again ain't he just showing off? People, please stop believing "good luck" only involves MONEY.

Money truly is the root of all evil.. Repeat that over and over again.

If your preacher has a helicopter in his backyard, a rolls royce, flashy jewelry. That AIN'T God that's more similar to the devil. (think about the horns the red, the signs, the flash)

In all the artistic interpretations of God the one thing you do not see is ANY MATERIALISTIC RICHES. Remember, you do not get buried with any of that shit! I know plenty of Wealthy people that are not happy worth a damn. So please do NOT try to emulate your favorite artist, preacher, sports figure etc just appreciate they're talent. Let's us love and respect in this land so when that day comes we can truly say AMEN.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Is Technology Killing Us? Literally?

EMF danger - lotsa wires

I'm not even talking bout all the fucked up stories on the internet. I am talking about EMF and it's crazy how your average person doesn't even realize what Electromagnetic Fields mean (including myself until recently) and how they can affect us ALL! I know I am a computer junkie that has been sitting my lap top literally on my Lap and Thighs for over five years for atleast 3-5 hours a day..I do not have a home phone just a cell phone and due to my business I am constantly on the phone and I came across several publication after publication that explains the danger we aren't aware of. Please Please take the precautions and read:

Be careful with cell phones. It’s best not to use them at all. If you do need one, don’t have it close to your body, but in a handbag or so. Use an earphone and a BioPro to protect your brains. In your car, use a car system, if you can afford it.
People don’t realize, but children get cell phones at a younger and younger age.
Research in Sweden has shown that kids, who use cell phones double their chance of getting blastic types of brain tumors by the time they are 20.
In Russia they did a study on 150 thousand children. They found that children below 16 who use cell phones on a regular basis up to one hour a week, between 21 and 28 years old get a 37 times higher incidence of brain cancer.
The same is true for laptop 
computers. Never put them on your nap.
Children get ovarian and testicle cancer nowadays, because of laptop 
computers. Imagine, you stick a high power radioactive battery on your penis or vagina. What do you think is going to happen?
Wall sockets are similar. They radiate about 2 square feet. Place your bed in a save place, if possible.
We don´t realize, but 
electromagnetic fields are everywhere around us nowadays. Keep them away from your body as much as possible.
Realize that cell phones, Ipods, BlackBerrie’s and laptop 
computers take away all your contemplative time. You are constantly stimulated from the outside.

Please look into EMF computer shields..I am buying mine right NOW and I am buying an ear piece for my phone ASAP

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

For My Real A-Town Folks

Can't find the video!!! so if you got the video send me the link!

For My "Real" ATL Folks The Hard Boys "Groupies" haaa!

All around the world with no occupations! and The Hard Boys Sample the track FIRST ;)

"Don't Judge A Book By It's Cover"

The ultimate "Fake It Til You Make It Car introducing the Chrysler with Phantom Kit! Key Operative word "KIT" LOL

Priorities: I can appreciate a person's beauty... but still I understand that that is just the outer appearance that has nothing to do with the substance at hand. 
Baking soda can look like cocaine but I'm sure a crackhead would be mad as hell if that's what they got with their purchase.
A beautiful house with mold, broken plumbing, tilted foundation and located smack damn in the ghetto will not gain u a return.
Just cause you put a Phantom kit on that Chrysler does NOT magically turn that damn car into a Rolls...YOU in a CHRYSLER big dawg. LOL
So my question to you is are you weighing your options correctly? Do you EVEN care about the substance?
If you date only because of the outer appearance you are just dragging along DEAD weight. (Unless you are Bill Gates and can afford to carry the load). Gentlemen, If you date a girl with ass-shots I hope she got a lasting career and brings some substance to the table (not just the substance in her ass) because you never know the health concerns later...Free flowing silicone in your bloodstream sounds like you need a great insurance policy...have fun with that. (Ladies, I am down for the surgery just do it the right way!! If you met a a gay guy that injects your ass in a hotel for $600...doesn't just reading that shit sound suspect!?)
Ladies, if a man got great wood and beautiful smile and no job and no assets and ain't in school please please don't try and turn it into something it will never amount to...Just appreciate it for what it is. a beautiful TREE and I hope you can swing from his branches but know in the end he is stuck. LOL
I read on someone's facebook that literally said "A woman that knows how to shut the F up will get wifed up with diamonds and pearls" and not only was I offended I felt sorry for him too. How could you want someone that brings nothing to the table but her looks? and I know he can't even afford diamonds and pearls haaa! I guess thats the difference between "Grown" and "Still Growing". To all my youngins refer back to this site when u off that similac I don't talk kid shit.
We need to resurrect what our mama's used to tell us "Don't Just A Book By It's Cover"


Monday, November 8, 2010

Blast From The Past... When Booty Shake Had a Message

Remember when ATL "Booty Shake" had a message LOL. "You Need To Do Something Positive With Your Life"

What Happened to The Yin & The Yang

So for the past few years, I have observed that the reason why everything is so F$cked up is all based on that YIN and that YANG or lack of the YANG. Meaning where's the balance?!!
For every sick murder reported in the news there's another sick heinous murder reported.  For every tranny story there's another fucking tranny story. For every bullshit rapper there's another bullshit rapper. For every teacher messing with kids it's another damn pedophile all up on my TV...ARGHHH!!! For every naked chick promoting her ass there's another naked chick doing a split. For every coke whore in Hollyweird there's another coke meth whore in Hollyweird. Where the hell is the positive story that balances us? What's really bad is I can keep going and going... Ok, since you insist...
I knew from the start of Flava of Love that we would be up shits creek sooner than later and hey we have arrived! (Flav if u reading this man, what happened to "Don't believe The Hype" & "It Take A Nation of Millions to Hold Us Back" u single handedly took us back!)
We need choices and a harmonious balance (feng shui baby) but if there's more negativity promoted guess what? There's more HATERS born everyday! I want to read and see the stories that inspire us by the boatload! Not 1 out of every 30! Are you with me?? I got to give it to the USA though, we have become equal opportunist meaning it ain't just racist Black negative stories it's across the board!! I see you Paris! I see you Lindsay! Hey Mel Gibson! Hello Jersey Shore?!!? Bad Girls Club?? (Need to call the show "BITCH, You need therapy") So here I vow to post news that will make you smile or at least utilize your brain cells to insure functionality.... Hell, i think "Blindside" was a good movie but it won every award because it made us realize we all have a heart buried under it all. I'm ready for that breathe of fresh air. I am suffocating over here..
So I propose a case study: If you have kids..go buy the whole Cosby series and mandate for every 2 hours of Cosby they get 1/2 hour of regular TV and for every 1 hour they play outside they get 30 minutes of video games..Hell, you may need to watch it too! and FYI I see why Bill Cosby is so angry! He did all those Jello commercials and "picture perfect" to give us a positive platform of family and values!
So let's start little by little and I betcha you will see a difference! If they don't give us a balance then we need to make one..matterfact mandate it!...I'm not giving up but remember.. Its hard to LOVE if all you see is HATE...
So go on and get all up in that Yin and that YANG!



Friday, November 5, 2010

The Glamorous Life

The 90's and early 2000's was a almost a fairy tale that unless you experienced it for yourself it almost doesn't sound believable. I lived it and it still feels like a dream! For a few years I thought money grew on trees (ahh the good old days!)...It was the era of BMF and The Glamorous life of Big Meech a dear friend that may have been a notorious drug dealer to you but a smart, giving and loyal friend to me. His idealistic of family were inconceivable, his giving nature to any and everyone could not be compared and I hate that they depict him as a violent individual.. granted in the US he was a drug dealer that DIDN'T pay taxes and you know Uncle Sam don't play that shit. Yes I understand I may get scrutinized for saying all this but I am referring to this man's heart. So today i want you to see the glamour... The reason why today no clubs in Atlanta or anywhere else seem fun.... To all the youngins you can have the "nightlife"...because I lived the "Glamorous Life".
Meech Birthday Meech of The Jungle so you know there had to be Tee Pees
Big Meech Everywhere
Did you have your name in a 16 foot custom light display at your party?
It's a jungle party must have tigers

An Elephant

Can forget the Monkeys

Meech and Ill

Baby Bleu (RIP) 

Fab knows what it is

Classic. The pic says it all.

Part two coming soon. Pics from BMF launch party....

Stranger In YOUR Bed..Who Fault is That?

Ladies, if U sleep with a man b4 he courts you..U are assisting in making this man a "SPORT F$CKER" (he's just putting #s on the scoreboard High FIVE!) or how I heard it on satellite radio yesterday "Thrusting Into An Anonymous HOLE"..Men If U sleep with a girl b4 U court her U are breeding a hoe and if she's "The Best You Ever Had" please believe she's had ALOT of practice. 

I noticed that these youngins today don't even know how to treat a girl.. I still have hope that Chivalry ain't dead maybe shot in the foot and on crutches but definitely not DEAD.

It's time to mold real intimacy when it's all said and done (I hope) you want someone that you can mentally grow with..So close your eyes and think of your significant other (If you got one) and visualize something that reminds you of her/him... if you think about he/she and all you think about is he/she's physical look (You ain't got INTIMACY you got a good fuck) If their scent, their actions, their personality, their smile, their laugh, the way they rub your back, the way they calm you, does not come to mind stop in your tracks and remind yourself you can't turn a good lay into anything but some great PLAY. Have FUN then RUN!

It's crazy how people will sleep with a person & not know their real name. You won't let a stranger in your house but U will let a stranger in between your legs? 

Thursday, November 4, 2010

What Really Matters

Wow even this story impresses me! They don't make them like this anymore! I'm hearing Mary J "Real Love" while reading this story:
A retired Canadian couple who won $11.3 million in the lottery in July have already given it (almost) all away.
"What you've never had, you never miss," 78-year-old Violet Large explained to a local reporter.
She was undergoing chemotherapy treatment for cancer when the couple realized they'd won the jackpot in July.
"That money that we won was nothing," her tearful husband, Allen, told Patricia Brooks Arenburg ofthe Nova Scotia Chronicle Herald. "We have each other."
The money was a "headache," they told the paper--mainly, it brought anxiety over the prospect that "crooked people" might take advantage of them. Several people called them out of the blue to ask for money when the news first broke that they'd won the jackpot. So they began an $11 million donation spree to get rid of it and help others, the Chronicle Herald reports:
They took care of family first and then began delivering donations to the two pages' worth of groups they had decided on, including the local fire department, churches, cemeteries, the Red Cross, the Salvation Army, hospitals in Truro and Halifax, where Violet underwent her cancer treatment, and organizations that fight cancer, Alzheimer's and diabetes. The list goes on and on.
Violet told the Canadian Press that they retained about 2 percent of the money for a rainy day.
"It made us feel good," Violet told the Chronicle Herald. "And there's so much good being done with that money."
The Nova Scotia couple have been married more than 35 years and quietly saved up the money that Allen made as a welder and Violet made in retail before retiring.
"We haven't spent one cent on ourselves because we've been too busy getting everything looked after and with my health, I have to wait to get my health back to get the energy to do anything," Violet told the National Post. "We're not travelers anyway. We live in the country and we're proud of it. Money can't buy you health or happiness."
Now their neighborhood is abuzz over their good deeds.
"People who know them just know that's the type of people they are—they're just happy to have each other," local restaurant owner Lori Hingley told the Canadian Press.
The prize was in Canada dollars (roughly equal to U.S. dollars at current exchange rates).
(Photo of Allen and Violet Large: Harry Sullivan/Truro Daily News)

Ode to the Celebrity Blog.

I used to live for waking up each morning and logging on to my favorite celebrity gossip blog site before I started my became a routine (I was emotionally attached) and then I noticed that I was mentioning these people in daily conversation as if they were my good friends.."Girl, did you see what such and such had on OMG I can't believe such and such". Then it dawned on me-They keep living going on enjoying their lives and we are vicariously living through them. Right then I had to look in the mirror and SAY FUCK ALL OF THIS!! (I am honest to tell you i still have a little withdrawal)! The "Celebrity blog" adds nothing to my life but negativity, does not bring me an added pay check, no tickets to their shows, but it instills insecurity- that you can't afford what they got, date who they date, makes my brain stagnant of learning and all the hate comments that subconsciously seep into my soul that is why I started to find like minded people that don't want shit to do with any of it and I hope this is a place where I can test my thinking and hopefully yours without all that nonsense that has NO EFFECT to yours or my life. Remember: LOVE and APPRECIATE the TALENT but also remember THEY SHIT STANK TOO.



Wednesday, November 3, 2010

S.A.D. Standard American Diet

Listen Up because this is your FOOD FOR THOUGHT. The diet the majority of us is eat is some absolute BULLSHIT and it ain't even our fault because we were taught to eat this way since birth...So let me break some things down for you...
The S.A.D. diet (standard american diet) is a bunch of crap PERIOD-Do you know that Japan has the highest life expectancy (average: 84 years old) in the world (US is not even in the TOP 30!!! yet #9 on the highest amount of cancer patients even though secretly I think we are further up on the list)... cheese, milk, white flour, bread are not in a Japanese diet and processed foods and meats are NOT consumed daily over there. Their diet is rice (mostly brown), and veggies daily, chicken weekly and red meat monthly and they have the lowest rate of ALL diseases Don’t get me wrong I love the US but believing into this government that infiltrates other countries for their resources and for POWER is like believing everything Donald Trump tells his staff and new perspective clients. Understand that 99.999% of the RICH have told lies to get ahead. what makes the FDA and our Government any different? Shit, they probably taught the class!
Why do I have to pay EXTRA money to get organic food? the food that GOD intended for us to eat (and if you look at the unused land that’s available in the US for farming you KNOW this is some BS) but I can get a full meal at taco bell for $2? If that simple logic doesn’t speak VOLUMES to you than I don’t know what else I can tell you. I can hear Lauryn Hill's voice in the background "Killing me softly...." 
My CONSPIRACY of the day is think about all the hormones, pesticides and antibiotics that are injected into the meat, veggies, fruit and everything else you eat...Understand that estrogen fattens meat up way more than testosterone and we wonder why everything seems a lil "SWEET"
Remember the government loves you.

Carcinogen Found in KFC’s New Grilled Chicken
KFC calls its new Kentucky Grilled Chicken “the better-for-you chicken for health-conscious customers.” But recent PCRM tests of the new grilled chicken revealed substantial amounts of a carcinogenic chemical in all samples tested.
A PCRM scientist visited six different KFC stores, obtained two samples from each location, and sent them to an independent testing laboratory. All 12 samples were found to contain PhIP, a chemical classified as a carcinogen by the federal government. PhIP, part of a chemical family known as heterocyclic amines (HCAs), has been linked to several forms of cancer, including breast cancer, in dozens of scientific studies. No safe level of ingestion has been identified. Every sample also tested positive for at least one additional type of HCA.
The new KFC grilled chicken products were the focus of a controversial promotion by Oprah Winfrey, who offered coupons for free Kentucky Grilled Chicken meals on her Web site. PCRM has alerted Ms. Winfrey to these findings.
“Just as the fat and cholesterol in fried chicken have prompted concerns about heart attacks and obesity, the carcinogenic chemicals found in Kentucky Grilled Chicken raise serious concerns about cancer risk,” said Kristie Sullivan, M.P.H., a PCRM toxicologist. “No parent would knowingly serve carcinogens to a child, and parents have no idea these chemicals are in KFC products. We are asking KFC to withdraw Kentucky Grilled Chicken.”
PhIP and other HCAs do not exist naturally in chicken; they form when animal muscle is cooked to high temperatures. The National Toxicology Program administered by the National Institutes of Health has identified PhIP as carcinogenic, as have the state of California and the International Agency for Research on Cancer.
But KFC is not the only restaurant serving carcinogen-containing grilled chicken. Last year, PCRM filed suit against McDonald’s, Chick-fil-A, Chili’s, T.G.I. Friday’s, Outback Steakhouse, Burger King, and Applebee’s for knowingly exposing customers to PhIP without warning them of its risks. The suit was brought under California’s Proposition 65, which states that consumers must be warned about products that contain known carcinogens.
The lawsuit is based on tests that found PhIP in 100 grilled chicken samples from the seven restaurant chains. The findings, compiled from independent laboratory tests commissioned by PCRM scientists, were published in the September 2008 issue of Nutrition and Cancer.
Burger King was the first of the restaurants to settle the lawsuit. As part of its agreement with PCRM, Burger King has posted warning signs in its California restaurants to alert customers that its grilled chicken products contain PhIP.
But the other six defendants that continue to fight the lawsuit—and KFC—have yet to inform customers about the cancer-causing chemicals in their grilled chicken products.

The Best 7.38 minutes of your life

In my most sarcastic tone" The Government Loves You...."
I am here to make you think and hopefully make you have better understanding and hopefully I can learn alot more along the way! The Zeitgeist 2 Part 1


So look before I offend anyone...I love my gay folks and all but it is time for a Heterosexual Day damnit. Yea I said it. WE ALL need to celebrate why we are ALL on planet EARTH. Take a moment of silence and let that slowly sink in....
If you can have your day (really yall have like 3 or 4) why can't we have ours?
Do you thinks its cool that Antoine Dobson says the most funny yet IG'NANT and embarrassing shit on the news and gets to perform at the BET hip hop awards?! Is it cool that our youth look at these blogs and sees that they're favorite artist are all at Gay Pride weekend every year?! or that Nikki Minaj (our young females role model) that has no competition and advocates for the gays, bi's and lesbians (but has a and signs titties and asses? Is it really cool to watch Real Housewives and see men with Goatees, Fade, stilettos and a pocket books!? Do you really want your son and daughter sharing clothes??!! What kind of message does that send our youth? Don't get me wrong I believe everyone should have equal rights but do kids need to be exposed at such an early age? Should kids try gay shit to find out their straight? Do you really want your daughter to eat pussy before she has a boyfriend??? Because that's what going on RIGHT NOW and it's only getting worse. Yes I do believe their are people that were born gay but then I do believe there are also weak minded people that are Gay for PAY and Freaks that are GAY for PLAY and I'm a bitch screaming MAYDAY MAYDAY!
Call me old fashion, call me conservative, call me what you want but something got to give because if it's like this now....what do you think its going to be ten years from now?!!!  Can we get a flag too?

Endangered Activities Up for Extinction

When was the last time you saw random kids playing in the neighborhood? My favorite pastime childhood activities was my bike! (I had a diamondback til it got stolen at the pool :( i was devastated) , dodgeball, kickball, kick the can, ghost in in the graveyard, tug-a-war, GI-Joe. (Yeah I was a tomboy! and girls can have fly bikes too!) Remember when punishment was 2 days no playing OUTSIDE?! and you thought your life would end! lol...all the fun was subconscious exercise that does translates to our adulthood and it is endangered of getting extinct and then we wonder why there's so many fat obese kids. Let's NOT breed the lazy! Nuf Said.

Couch Potato Syndrome It's an Epidemic

So of course alot of people are talking about the recent vote and the Republicans taking over the House..So of course that brings up Social Security, Obama Health reform, jobs, education you name it. and I have to be honest with myself and wish everyone that is sooo worried need to do as well. If you are truly struggling (like poverty/project struggling)
Let's us analyze:

  • Do you live above your means? If yes, learn to build a legacy for you and your family in this society you never know what may happen.
  • Do you live more for today than tomorrow? Unless you have a terminal disease you need to split it up 50/50
  • Do you have a job? If you don't you better be sending resumes and filling out apps every single day.
  • Do you know how to manage your finances? your rent should be 1/3 maybe 1/2 of what you make a month. if you don't make enough bite the bullet and get a room mate.
  • Do you have kids you cannot afford? use condoms. duhhhhhh ;)
  • Are you on welfare? if so, that should be temporary not lifelong..thats a disease it itself
  • Do you get food stamps? Don't get enabled.
  • Do you know what a rainy day is? when it rains it pours.
  • Are you trying to keep up with the Jones's? If yes, look in the mirror and say "Fuck the Jones's I don't like them mf's no way"
  • Do you think the "Man" is holding you back? If yes, that man is YOU
  • Are you trying to turn a "hobby" into a career and it's been over two years and you have yet to make any money? not sexy and quit telling people that's your job. that's your damn hobby.

If more than two of the above apply to you more than likely you have been diagnosed with the Couch Potato Syndrome. period. Lazy is Lazy period. It's not too late but it's time not to blame anyone but your Damn self. It is becoming an EPIDEMIC and I am tired of that shit. Call me harsh but maybe that's what some people need a good slap in the face and a friend to tell them get yo lazy ass off the couch and do something! Better yet the internet can generate you income and you can still sit your fat ass on the couch ;) If you need suggestion just let me know! may not be the job you want but some income is better than no income.

Love ya xoxo,

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Let Us Pray and Mourn Together.

If you are 30 plus we can sympathize together....Think about how much we have had to adapt to (I applaud each and everyone of you.. that ain't Cracked out) and all that has changed in our generation:

  • From the rotary phone to touch tone phones to wireless phones to block cell phones to handheld cell phones, to flip phones (all hail the star tac) to video conferencing and texting (and you know some new shit is on it's way)
  • Pagers (remember 304 upside down! lol)  to two-way pagers (i miss my motorola two way pagers! "Beam Me!!" to side kicks to blackberrys to iphones to twitter! to ??? (any day now!)
  • Slow dancing in the club with dinner dates galore to some 2010 bullshit.
  • Writing on paper to the type writer to the Atari and Macintosh (if your family had money) to Nintendo to Playstation to Dreamcast to X Box to AOL and Microsoft to Apple everything dial up to T1 to high speed wireless, Internet Games and Virtual Reality and all that other stuff I forgot to mention
  • Researching at a library checking out books with your "library card" (remember those?) remember the "card catalog"<---that was our Google..handwriting papers or copying the encyclopedia (lol) to now google and wikipedia (those are actual words in our vocabulary now..) to emailing your friend at another school for their term paper. haaa (at least when we copied we had to rewrite all the words so subconsciously you learned)
  • 8track (for all you old heads!) to albums to cassette tapes to cd to mp3s
  • Remember when TV, Music and the neighborhood could raise you in addition to your parents..
  • Remember when internet dating sounded frightening and corny...
  • Remember when a menage a trois wasn't the norm..
  • Remember being taught "don't judge a book by it's cover" now its "judge and put your comments on the internet."
  • Remember when being a star meant something? Remember when true talent, perfecting your craft wasn't on a milk carton waiting to be found. Now we judge when a celeb does something wrong in their personal life negating the talent and judging them for being "Human Beings"! hello?! they shit stank too! I don't know if NWA really were renegades, I don't know if Tupac was a real "Gangsta" but I know they are true talents. I didn't have the internet to research their rap sheet and their baby mama's and all that other bs.

All these damn changes and we have to still keep up (to keep our jobs, our relationships and integrity for that matter) or a knuckleheaded kid will take our pension and 401 because he/she can configure all the internet applications, network systems, create apps and all that other shit I'm not up on (I'm learning!) So I sympathize, mourn and pray for all of us...but at the pace the world is going I can't wait to ride in my mercedes flying car.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Things that make you say hmmmm...

So today I went to rite aid to pick up a few random items..and I start thinking about products that have popped up in the market over the years like Beano (lactose intolerant meds), mucinex, IBS meds and it got me to thinking about the conspiracy-- yep I said CONSPIRACY that the government causes all these new ailments and in turn creates a med that can treat your symptoms but never a cure..
I asked the nice pharmacist a couple of questions and the dialog went alittle something like:  "how long have you been a pharmacist?" Man chuckles and replies "Too Long" so I ask him "Do you think the pharmaceutical companies have the people's interest at hand or they down for the money?" He replies "I don't even remember babies with asthma and that has become a major problem..These company's are not in the healing business they are here just to make a profit. Since i have been a pharmacist they have probably introduced atleast 1000 new meds. People were living just fine before all these drugs and new diseases mysteriously appeared." and they finally figured away to tax you on Fish Oils! Can u believe they have a prescription Fish Oil now? They taking our vitamins now. 
The FDA ain't nothing but a crooked organization that says their for us and our health and well being but how can that be when they sold themselves to the devil already. The FDA is worse than any drug dealer because they put prescription drugs that are lethal and can kill you instantly. Hence, Anna Nicole Smith, DJ AM, Heath Ledger must I go on? and one thing I do know is it seems like every crackhead I know is still alive-STANKIN but still running these streets.

In my Flava Flav voice "Fuck Fuck Fuck Da FDA" "Don't Don't Don't Don't Believe The Hype"

Thursday, October 21, 2010

What The F$ck?

I was talking to my new assistant (love her to pieces) but it's funny how different someone in their 20's and someone in their 30's were raised...
I am probably the last generation to remember slow dancing in the club, being taught not to judge a book by it's cover, love, family and education were highly promoted (hence Cosby Show, Different World, Family Ties, Different Strokes, Facts of Life, Highway to Heaven etc) Cosby Show had all the guys crushing on Claire and Denise, Real Role Models existed (don't get me wrong Obama is definitely a role model but definitely does not have a huge effect on the youth today) Baby Mama/Baby Daddy wasn't the "In" thing to have or strive to have... I didn't know what "gay" was in high school it truly never dawned on me then either, chivalry totally existed must I go on?!..
Fast forward to my assistant (she is a good girl but this is what her generations is doing): casual sex is the thing for youngins to do,  women are aggressive, Guys no longer "court" a girl, gay is everywhere and 6th graders are hip to it, all clothes are becoming unisex (LOL), rappers are the new role model, girls strive to be video models and strippers and strive to have a baby by a millionaire, Drugs are promoted in music and tv like it is the thing to do, Men would rather have a trophy piece than a woman with substance...
And the one that I truly have to give the what the Fuck award is the Kardashian's are the new Cosby...

I wonder if the Amish would take me in LOL.

It was all a dream..

Do you ever wonder if the majority of the things we were taught were all a lie....It all started when we discovered Christmas, Halloween, Easter, the Tooth Fairy even though some of these things represent religion the reason we enjoy these holidays are the make believe we've been taught. From Santa to the easter bunny, trick-or-treating..etc (u get the idea) but let's move that theory into the way we vote... Bush proved that the house/senate can supersede our vote being that Bush did not get the popular vote (our vote) yet we see all this propaganda on "Rock the vote" blah blah blah..

Let's talk food groups: Do you know Japan has the highest life expectancy in the world yet cheese, dairy, bread hardly exist in their diet..yet us powerful americans eat more meat, preservatives, artificial colored, high sugar foods that supply us with no nutrients... Why do we have to pay way more to have organic food?!! So basically I have to pay more to get produce and meat the way God intended??!! But if I want hormone and antibiotic injected food it is readily available everywhere and anywhere..Thus your average american would opt to buy because they have no money to afford Whole Foods.

Growing up we had a dairy farm near so we always got our milk from the dairy and do not recall anyone being lactose intolerant...Fast forward now I use milk as a laxative. and local farmers/dairies are fined and forced to shut down because it os not treated with chemicals.

Does the FDA really give a damn about us? Or do they just look at us like a number a statistic to create more ailments to make money? I hate seeing all these drug commercials that tell you other negative effects that may occur..(and of course they occur way more than the FDA/Government let on).and ofcourse the dr will prescribe an additional medication to rid you of the anxiety or diarrhea or whatever the first drug may have caused ($cha-ching)! and now the FDA is trying to regulate vitamins...hmmm really?!! Drug dealers are getting arrested and thrown the book at them because the government is not getting paid their taxes not because of the drugs...Think about how LA marijuana is legal and taxed and how many people are currently serving time because of a marijuana charge. 

Did I say it was all a dream? I meant a FUCKING nightmare.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

When are you too OLD?

U know sometimes I truly hate that I over analyze ever damn thing..sometimes I wish I could breath and let go! In business I have excelled because I see every detail, every nook and cranny.. In life thats a terrible trait! I'm at the club tonight and find myself feeling "too old" to be in there..even though there were plenty of people wayyy older than me. I kept wondering what's too old to be in the club? and if ya not ready to get married and u have out grown the club what the hell else is there to do?

Monday, April 5, 2010

My Brother's Bday

April 5th a day of melancholy sadness and reality all in one. Today marks my big brother's birthday. He would have been 36. I miss him terribly and its a reminder of how quickly life can be taken.I miss u Big Bro. Life hasn't been the same without u.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Bi Sexuality/Straight/Gay

I can honestly admit I have thought about lesbian/bisexual subject but never gone there..won't say I won't ever but can't say that I have totally wanted to do so either. anyways, I believe in the idea of being gay or straight but bisexuality is where i kinda i get confused. Doesn't bisexuality just mean u are some what of a freak? Reality to me: If you blind folded me and told me a man was going down on me but in actuality it was a woman I will more than likely cum. Shit, I can make myself cum..and If I was creative enough I could rub my clit against a rock and get off.. it's my mind that tells me what's right for me and what's wrong for me. Bisexuality=Having your cake and Eat It Too; I am definitely not mad at cha but u must embrace that u have an inner FREAK.


So I just started this blog for the hell of it. Don't care if no-one reads this shit because I will not be censoring a damn thing and its truly how I am feeling. Few things bout me:

  • I curse like a damn sailor so u know i'mma write like one too. Please don't come in here if that bothers u nor tell me to change it. cuz i won't. *my motto "when I AM ready I AM ready"--->remember your name ain't nowhere in my motto ;) cheers!
  • I am overtly analytical almost to the point where it gets on my damn nerves too.
  • I explain alot of shit with analogies so if I write something about bacon fat it may pertain to ur life. ;)
  • I live for conspiracy theories...zeitgeist...
  • I live for music
  • I live for fashion
  • I am down with my inner geek
  • I am a woman that secretly digs men with an inner geek and of course big- maple, mahogany, oak, pine, u get my drift...
  • I think all men cheat and i am not saying this in a belittling manner. I hate that I am a woman and about to say this but: If God makes no mistakes..Even if I started at 10 yrs old I'd be lucky if I physically could have 20 babies yet a man can have 1000 babies in 1 year if his stamina abled him if God makes no mistakes and intended a man to only be with 1 woman why is that possible? and if God intended man to only be with 1 woman why is it sooo many more of us chicks than them sticks?.
  • I am not Optimistic nor Pessimistic. I am a true Realist.
  • I am from the last generation to remember slow dancing in the night club. I remember how gross i felt when i could feel the guys stick on me..ew lol
  • I cannot guarantee when and how much I will update this it just depends on how I feel
  • I am an avid online sample sale gal so if u know of any don't hold that info hostage! share!
  • I live for the legalization of marijuana can't wait to be able to walk down the street see a cop and blow it in his face in the nicest way possible.
  • I write like I am talking-so if I don't use commas, have a bunch of grammatical errors and have plenty of run-on sentencing it is what is! so lick my...
  • I will never post a pic of myself and nor will I straight bad talk someone to have to want to hide...the anonymity is what's sexy
  • I am a real woman that can admit: I Swallow my Drinks, I Swallow my Food and I damn sho Swallow It too. High Five to all the fabulous grown woman that can embrace the swallow and feel liberated in doing so.
Welcome to my blog. I Swallow It. A place where prim and proper don't exist. You are who u are just hope u have a lil moral in between.

Love xoxo,