Sunday, April 4, 2010

Bi Sexuality/Straight/Gay

I can honestly admit I have thought about lesbian/bisexual subject but never gone there..won't say I won't ever but can't say that I have totally wanted to do so either. anyways, I believe in the idea of being gay or straight but bisexuality is where i kinda i get confused. Doesn't bisexuality just mean u are some what of a freak? Reality to me: If you blind folded me and told me a man was going down on me but in actuality it was a woman I will more than likely cum. Shit, I can make myself cum..and If I was creative enough I could rub my clit against a rock and get off.. it's my mind that tells me what's right for me and what's wrong for me. Bisexuality=Having your cake and Eat It Too; I am definitely not mad at cha but u must embrace that u have an inner FREAK.

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