Sunday, October 31, 2010

Let Us Pray and Mourn Together.

If you are 30 plus we can sympathize together....Think about how much we have had to adapt to (I applaud each and everyone of you.. that ain't Cracked out) and all that has changed in our generation:

  • From the rotary phone to touch tone phones to wireless phones to block cell phones to handheld cell phones, to flip phones (all hail the star tac) to video conferencing and texting (and you know some new shit is on it's way)
  • Pagers (remember 304 upside down! lol)  to two-way pagers (i miss my motorola two way pagers! "Beam Me!!" to side kicks to blackberrys to iphones to twitter! to ??? (any day now!)
  • Slow dancing in the club with dinner dates galore to some 2010 bullshit.
  • Writing on paper to the type writer to the Atari and Macintosh (if your family had money) to Nintendo to Playstation to Dreamcast to X Box to AOL and Microsoft to Apple everything dial up to T1 to high speed wireless, Internet Games and Virtual Reality and all that other stuff I forgot to mention
  • Researching at a library checking out books with your "library card" (remember those?) remember the "card catalog"<---that was our Google..handwriting papers or copying the encyclopedia (lol) to now google and wikipedia (those are actual words in our vocabulary now..) to emailing your friend at another school for their term paper. haaa (at least when we copied we had to rewrite all the words so subconsciously you learned)
  • 8track (for all you old heads!) to albums to cassette tapes to cd to mp3s
  • Remember when TV, Music and the neighborhood could raise you in addition to your parents..
  • Remember when internet dating sounded frightening and corny...
  • Remember when a menage a trois wasn't the norm..
  • Remember being taught "don't judge a book by it's cover" now its "judge and put your comments on the internet."
  • Remember when being a star meant something? Remember when true talent, perfecting your craft wasn't on a milk carton waiting to be found. Now we judge when a celeb does something wrong in their personal life negating the talent and judging them for being "Human Beings"! hello?! they shit stank too! I don't know if NWA really were renegades, I don't know if Tupac was a real "Gangsta" but I know they are true talents. I didn't have the internet to research their rap sheet and their baby mama's and all that other bs.

All these damn changes and we have to still keep up (to keep our jobs, our relationships and integrity for that matter) or a knuckleheaded kid will take our pension and 401 because he/she can configure all the internet applications, network systems, create apps and all that other shit I'm not up on (I'm learning!) So I sympathize, mourn and pray for all of us...but at the pace the world is going I can't wait to ride in my mercedes flying car.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Things that make you say hmmmm...

So today I went to rite aid to pick up a few random items..and I start thinking about products that have popped up in the market over the years like Beano (lactose intolerant meds), mucinex, IBS meds and it got me to thinking about the conspiracy-- yep I said CONSPIRACY that the government causes all these new ailments and in turn creates a med that can treat your symptoms but never a cure..
I asked the nice pharmacist a couple of questions and the dialog went alittle something like:  "how long have you been a pharmacist?" Man chuckles and replies "Too Long" so I ask him "Do you think the pharmaceutical companies have the people's interest at hand or they down for the money?" He replies "I don't even remember babies with asthma and that has become a major problem..These company's are not in the healing business they are here just to make a profit. Since i have been a pharmacist they have probably introduced atleast 1000 new meds. People were living just fine before all these drugs and new diseases mysteriously appeared." and they finally figured away to tax you on Fish Oils! Can u believe they have a prescription Fish Oil now? They taking our vitamins now. 
The FDA ain't nothing but a crooked organization that says their for us and our health and well being but how can that be when they sold themselves to the devil already. The FDA is worse than any drug dealer because they put prescription drugs that are lethal and can kill you instantly. Hence, Anna Nicole Smith, DJ AM, Heath Ledger must I go on? and one thing I do know is it seems like every crackhead I know is still alive-STANKIN but still running these streets.

In my Flava Flav voice "Fuck Fuck Fuck Da FDA" "Don't Don't Don't Don't Believe The Hype"

Thursday, October 21, 2010

What The F$ck?

I was talking to my new assistant (love her to pieces) but it's funny how different someone in their 20's and someone in their 30's were raised...
I am probably the last generation to remember slow dancing in the club, being taught not to judge a book by it's cover, love, family and education were highly promoted (hence Cosby Show, Different World, Family Ties, Different Strokes, Facts of Life, Highway to Heaven etc) Cosby Show had all the guys crushing on Claire and Denise, Real Role Models existed (don't get me wrong Obama is definitely a role model but definitely does not have a huge effect on the youth today) Baby Mama/Baby Daddy wasn't the "In" thing to have or strive to have... I didn't know what "gay" was in high school it truly never dawned on me then either, chivalry totally existed must I go on?!..
Fast forward to my assistant (she is a good girl but this is what her generations is doing): casual sex is the thing for youngins to do,  women are aggressive, Guys no longer "court" a girl, gay is everywhere and 6th graders are hip to it, all clothes are becoming unisex (LOL), rappers are the new role model, girls strive to be video models and strippers and strive to have a baby by a millionaire, Drugs are promoted in music and tv like it is the thing to do, Men would rather have a trophy piece than a woman with substance...
And the one that I truly have to give the what the Fuck award is the Kardashian's are the new Cosby...

I wonder if the Amish would take me in LOL.

It was all a dream..

Do you ever wonder if the majority of the things we were taught were all a lie....It all started when we discovered Christmas, Halloween, Easter, the Tooth Fairy even though some of these things represent religion the reason we enjoy these holidays are the make believe we've been taught. From Santa to the easter bunny, trick-or-treating..etc (u get the idea) but let's move that theory into the way we vote... Bush proved that the house/senate can supersede our vote being that Bush did not get the popular vote (our vote) yet we see all this propaganda on "Rock the vote" blah blah blah..

Let's talk food groups: Do you know Japan has the highest life expectancy in the world yet cheese, dairy, bread hardly exist in their diet..yet us powerful americans eat more meat, preservatives, artificial colored, high sugar foods that supply us with no nutrients... Why do we have to pay way more to have organic food?!! So basically I have to pay more to get produce and meat the way God intended??!! But if I want hormone and antibiotic injected food it is readily available everywhere and anywhere..Thus your average american would opt to buy because they have no money to afford Whole Foods.

Growing up we had a dairy farm near so we always got our milk from the dairy and do not recall anyone being lactose intolerant...Fast forward now I use milk as a laxative. and local farmers/dairies are fined and forced to shut down because it os not treated with chemicals.

Does the FDA really give a damn about us? Or do they just look at us like a number a statistic to create more ailments to make money? I hate seeing all these drug commercials that tell you other negative effects that may occur..(and of course they occur way more than the FDA/Government let on).and ofcourse the dr will prescribe an additional medication to rid you of the anxiety or diarrhea or whatever the first drug may have caused ($cha-ching)! and now the FDA is trying to regulate vitamins...hmmm really?!! Drug dealers are getting arrested and thrown the book at them because the government is not getting paid their taxes not because of the drugs...Think about how LA marijuana is legal and taxed and how many people are currently serving time because of a marijuana charge. 

Did I say it was all a dream? I meant a FUCKING nightmare.